Cat Ballar Coaching

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Productivity Boost Consultation Call Below!

You will walk away from this call with clarity, confidence, and a clear roadmap on how to achieve your goals and start seeing results within the next 7 days!

Transform Your Health Without Disrupting Your Busy Schedule

Are you a hardworking woman juggling the demands of working from home and struggling to find time for yourself?

You’re not alone.

Many women in your position face the same challenges:

balancing professional responsibilities

managing household duties

and finding time to prioritize their health.

I understand that your time is precious, and that’s why I’m here to offer a solution that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Me at 180 lbs in 2023, and me at 140 lbs in 2024

Why Choose Me as Your Coach?

With over 10 years of experience in fitness and nutrition, I specialize in helping women like you achieve their health goals without sacrificing their work-life balance.

My unique combination of certifications and expertise positions me as the ideal coach to guide you on this journey:

NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT): My extensive training ensures that you receive personalized, effective workouts that maximize results in minimal time.

Nutrition Level 1 Coach (PnL1): I provide tailored nutritional guidance that aligns with your specific needs, helping you make sustainable changes that fit into your hectic schedule.

Girls Gone Strong Women’s Specialist Certification: I have specialized knowledge in women's health and fitness, allowing me to address your unique challenges and empower you to thrive.

What You Can Expect from My Coaching Program

🌱 Personalized Nutrition Strategies

Nobody likes eating plain chicken, rice and broccoli every day– and you don’t have to!

You will learn how to adapt a more balanced, non-restrictive approach to fueling yourself while achieving the physique of your dreams.

Yes, I assure you: you can still eat your DoorDash favorites while losing weight!

My program will teach you how to implement this skill FOR LIFE so you don’t have to keep spending money on solutions that don’t work! And we will make it achievable so you experience a win every day.

🌱 Flexible and Time-Efficient Workouts

If I said you need to spend 2 hours at the gym every day to achieve the body of your dreams, would you do it?


You’d hate your life and that’s not what we’re all about here. If we made getting in shape more fun and more convenient for YOUR schedule, do you think you’d look forward to doing it?


If you’re looking forward to an activity (like a conference or PTO vacation) AND get rewarded for it (yes, you get achievement badges), you’ll never have to worry about falling off track or making excuses to avoid it. That’s how we turn fitness into a lifestyle.

Make sense?

🌱 Holistic Approach to Wellness

I was--in tech-- both a Product Designer and Software Engineer for 8 years.
I know exactly the grind that you're currently experiencing, and I would like to impart some of my knowledge and coping strategies to you.

I'll help you focus on your overall well-being by teaching you stress management techniques and mindfulness practices that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Together, we'll establish healthy routines that will enhance both your personal and professional life, making it easier for you to achieve balance and thrive.

🌱 Continuous Support and Accountability

It’s not enough to just have a fitness & nutrition plan—you need to master these skills for life.

Want to keep paying me or others for fitness help? Or do you want to finally solve the underlying issues and level up for good?

You need to transform your lifestyle and habits.

I will help you make small tweaks to your daily routines that will create a boost in your overall health and longevity.

Did you know that walking 20 minutes every day for the rest of your life can grant you an additional 5 years of lifespan?

What adventures would those extra 5 years allow you to complete? Travel the world? Play with your kids and, not just watch them grow, but actually participate in their lives?

If you decide to embark on this journey with me, I will personally guarantee your success.

If not, I'll work with you 1-on-1 for free until you achieve your goals!

🌟 Take the First Step Towards a Healthier You! 🌟

Don’t let your busy schedule hold you back from achieving your health goals.

Book a free discovery call with me today, and let’s create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle and empowers you to be your best self.

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